PegasusTSI Inc. is a global company based in Tampa, Florida
TAMINCO Higher Amines, Inc. - DMAPA
Project included installation of the reaction system for production of DMAPA and retrofit of the existing P47 distillation system for purification of the crude DMAPA s. Ten (10) long lead equipment items were purchased during the Basic engineering phase of the project. The ISBL facilities included a new six level braced galvanized steel structure, two bays wide and one bay deep.
Engineering was fast tracked and ran for 8 months not including the Basic Engineering which ran 4 months. The overall duration from the start of Detailed Design to Mechanical Completion of construction was 12 months. The Civil construction effort started just after midway through the Detailed Design to allow for the installation of piling required for the structure. A prefabricated steel PO was released for the supply of the steel structure.
Project was on schedule and under budget. Over 80,000 safe man-hours with Zero accidents/Zero recordable incidents/Zero loss time. There was minimal time from start-up to on spec product. Start-up was trouble-free.